Attract the candidates you desire with the help of job offer data

Orgnostic connects your ATS, HRIS and survey data to show whether your job offers are competitive enough.

Get recruitment metrics like: Offer Acceptance Rate, Offer Rejection Reasons, Bad Hires


Why do your job offers get rejected?

Your goal is to pick the best candidate for your organization.

You invest in attracting and evaluating them through the selection process, but can you close the deal?

Explore your Job Offer Acceptance Rate metric and understand how competitive your offers are on the market.

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How competitive are your job offers?

You secured that perfect match, but they decided not to accept the offer.

That brings you back to square one.

Understand why they rejected the offer with the Offer Rejection Reasons metric and see if the most common issues are under your control.

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How many bad hires did you make?

Congratulations, you scored a hire! But how effective is your hiring process?

Are you supporting your business growth or just hiring replacements?

With Bad Hires metric uncover the actual success of your new joiners.

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Go further: Boost your data with Data Filler Surveys. Here’s how.

Not only you can structure, clean, and combine your data to get meaningful insights, you can also enrich it with Data Fillers.

Data Fillers are automated micro-surveys that come in two flavors: “Onboarding” and “Exit”. All you have to do is to turn them on once.

Since our platform is connected to your HRIS, the appropriate survey will be triggered with each employee’s status change.

Learn more about Data Fillers


To summarize:

Orgnostic platform combines your ATS and HRIS apps with Data Filler surveys to give you HR metrics like:

  • Offer Acceptance Rate
  • Job Offer Competitiveness
  • Time to Fill
  • Time to Hire
  • Bad Hires

Using these metrics answer questions like:

  • How long does it take you to get a new hire?
  • What is the ratio of bad hires per recruiter?
  • Is your compensation package good enough to attract and retain your desired talent?

You can’t manage what you can’t measure

Connect the data from your HR tools in minutes, or schedule a call to explore how Orgnostic can help make best use of your data.

What customers are saying about Orgnostic’s people analytics platform

  • Emma Atkins, Director of People Success

    ”The insights you’ve shared with me, and the reports I could pull from the platform have been really helpful in getting my strategy signed off.”

  • Radhika Chudasama, People Director

    ”We all got really excited when Orgnostic email reports came through. We thought, ‘Wow, we we can actually visualize all of this data.’ So, we’re loving it already.”

  • Kristina Grubač, HR Lead

    ”With their intuitive and easy-to-use analytics platform, Orgnostic put into movement tremendous amounts of data we have in our HRIS and ATS.”

  • Marko Djuric, Founder and CEO

    ”Orgnostic completely changed the way we approach talent management. We can finally access the data from our HR systems and use it right when we need it.”

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