Pricing Page – Test

Our pricing plans are designed to support your organization size and data maturity.

Early Stage → Scaleup → Big Co

How many employees do you have?
Include Diagnostic Suveys Add-on
For early stage startups setting on a people analytics journey
Start 30 days trial
  • Integrations: 1 HRIS + 1 ATS
  • Data Health
  • 3 months of data history
  • Headcount, Diversity, Talent Acquisition, Turnover, Leadership metrics
  • e-NPS survey
For scaleups with multiple HR data sources
Start 30 days trial
No credit card required
  • Entire data history
  • Data Enrichment
    Enrich your data by adding information about your candidate and employee data on top of your existing data in HRIS and ATS. By providing additional information, you will get more accurate calculations and unlock hidden metrics
  • Open-text Analysis
  • Onboarding and Exit Surveys
  • Data export
    Ability to export graphs in PNG and SVG formats
  • Automated reporting
    Automated monthly and weekly email reports
  • Data scientist support
  • Open-text Analysis
    Natural language processing analysis
For companies with mature data systems looking to get prescriptions
Start 30 days trial
No credit card required
  • Unlimited integrations
  • Talent Management, Rewards metrics
  • Advanced filtering
  • Insights
  • Targets
  • Dedicated support
  • Data scientist support
For very special companies.
Let’s talk
Contact us
  • Custom integrations
    Workday, SuccessFactors, highly customized systems, internal tools, spreadsheets
  • Permissions
    Advanced permission management
  • Benchmarks
  • Data scientist on call
    Dedicated data scientist you can reach out to at any time

Data scientist on demand

Overwhelmed with data or need to add some more power to your data science team?

Work with our people analytics experts and data scientists who specialize in getting insights from your HR data.

How it works:
  • Contact us below
  • We have a call to determine the project scope and timeline
  • Our data scientist supports your team in getting from data to HR insights faster!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is Orgnostic for?

Orgnostic is primarily meant for HR and people ops/analytics leaders, and you can use it on your own, even if you’re a 1-person team. You can of course also generate reports for management and the executive team, and invite them to join the platform.

What are some of the questions Orgnostic helps me answer?

Here are some sample questions you can answer with Orgnostic:
– Why does our top talent leave?
– Which employee groups are at the highest risk of leaving?
– What is the percentage of avoidable turnover?
– What are our fastest growing business units?
– If we retain our current growth patterns, how big will our teams be by the end of the year?What
is the quality of the onboarding for the units with the highest new-hire ratio?
– What is the average tenure of our mission critical employees?
– Which business units are showing changes in the pattern of absenteeism in the past 6
– How much is absenteeism costing our business?
– What is the distribution of different demographics across organization levels?
– What is the percent of women and minorities in leadership roles?
– Do we have a significant pay gap between gender and ethnic groups?
– How much are new hires, turnover and promotions impacting our payroll change?
– What is the pay spread between different business units?
– What is the distribution of total rewards for our top talent?
And much, much more!

What is included in the Diagnostic Surveys Add-on?

Whenever you have a hypothesis to test, send a diagnostic survey to better understand what’s going on in a team or your entire organization.

This addon gives you access to out-of the box surveys backed by research from leading universities such as Harvard.

Diagnostic surveys give you deeper insights on these areas:
– Culture
– Team Effectiveness
– Employee Engagement
– Burnout Risk
– Psychological Safety
– Talent Management Processes
– Custom Surveys

Does my data need to be clean before I start using the Orgnostic platform?

Your data absolutely does not need to be clean before you start using our platform. In fact, our Data Health feature helps you better understand which data you need to clean, and shows you which data you need to clean first in order to quickly get access to specific metrics you’re interested in.

What does Orgnostic implementation look like? Do I need external help or help from my team?

Setting up Orgnostic is as simple as copying and pasting text, and you can do it yourself – no external help needed! All you need to do is copy the API keys from the tools you are using with very straightforward instructions from us, and add them to Orgnostic. This process takes several minutes, and no technical knowledge or help from others is needed.

How long does Orgnostic implementation take?

Orgnostic implementation usually takes minutes. Depending on the amount and complexity of your data, your data will typically be ingested in up to 30 minutes, but if you have a lot of complex data, ingestion can take a day or two. After that, you will have access to advanced insights on Headcount, Diversity, Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Rewards, Turnover, Leadership, Culture, Team Effectiveness and Employee Wellbeing.

Once I’ve connected all my tools, how do I access the data and insights in Orgnostic?

You will have access to Story, a library of different metrics for each category – Headcount, Diversity, Talent Acquisition, Talent Management, Rewards, Turnover, Leadership, Culture, Team Effectiveness and Employee Wellbeing, which you can export as images or pdfs. You will also receive weekly, monthly and quarterly email reports which include graphs and are also telling the story of what is happening in your organization and are easily shareable with management. Last, but not least, you will see insights which are timely reports on trends within your organization you need to pay attention to right now.

How secure is your platform?

All of your data is securely hosted in North America or Europe, always served over a secure connection, and always encrypted. Your data on our platform is encrypted both in-transit and at-rest using SSL and always served over a secure HTTPS connection. Orgnostic platform services and infrastructure use enterprise-grade 256-bit AES encryption to keep your data safe.

If you have more questions, reach out to our Chief Information Security Officer at
[email protected].

Do you have any certificates that show how secure you are?

Orgnostic is actively monitored by Vanta for up to date SOC 2 Type 2 compliance.

If you have more questions, reach out to our Chief Information Security Officer at
[email protected].

Are you GDPR compliant?

We are committed to ensuring General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance for all companies that require it. If you have strict GDPR compliance requirements, you can choose to use our services in the EU. Our EU-based platform is completely operating within EU regions of AWS, MongoDB and Auth0.

If you have more questions, reach out to our Chief Information Security Officer at
[email protected].

Where does your data sit?

All of your data is securely hosted in North America or Europe, always served over a secure connection, and always encrypted.

We use AWS as our cloud provider. This ensures that all of our security and compliance controls for data center physical security and cloud infrastructure are provided by AWS. You can read more about AWS Cloud Security here.

Do you have access to all of our employees’ personal information? If you are benchmarking data, do you use our employees’ personal information?

All of your employee information is anonymized on our platform. We use identification codes to be able to connect different employee data points.

Is there a way to filter your reports to just include the data relevant for one part of the organization?

Yes, you can filter all Orgnostic metrics by a specific business unit or employee segment.

Can I use my historical survey data?

Yes, we can import your historical survey data if you have it in an Excel spreadsheet. However, if you would like to easily connect your survey data with your quantitative data for deeper insights, we recommend that you start using our survey library. All data is anonymized by attaching survey responses to ID numbers rather than names.

Can I create a custom survey on your platform?

If you would prefer to have a custom survey, all you need to do is contact our customer success team, and we will add your survey to the platform for you. However, if you would like to easily connect your survey data with your quantitative data for deeper insights and benchmarks, we recommend that you use well-researched and academically validated diagnostic surveys that are a part of Orgnostic’s platform. All data is anonymized by attaching survey responses to ID numbers rather than names.

Why do you offer a free plan when similar products don’t?

With our free plan, we want to help you see how easy it is to have answers to all of your people analytics questions at your fingertips. Also, we want to make sure that your data is clean and healthy so you can get the value before starting to pay for your analytics solution. Our goal is to popularize data-informed decision-making among CHROs and other HR leaders.

Is the free plan really free, or are there some hidden costs?

Yes. The free plan is truly free and it includes the integration of two independent HR data sources and 3 months of data history.
You can also use the free plan, and decide to add Diagnostic surveys as an add-on feature. Add-ons are paid features.
This is the perfect time for adopting people analytics solution — before you generate organizational and data debt. That kind of debt significantly increases the cost of implementation of a people analytics solution as it requires vast additional service costs. Save time and money and get started today!

How does an add-on pricing work?

Add-on features build on top of the basic functionalities of your plan. For example, diagnostic surveys are externally benchmarked surveys that help you assess your culture or team effectiveness, and they have their own pricing outlined above. For working with our on-call data scientists, we need a bit more information in order to be able to create a quote, so please contact us if you are interested in having the support of a data scientist specializing in HR analytics!

Do you charge for custom integrations?

Custom integrations include API integrations with in-house built tools, standard enterprise tools with highly customizable setups, tools with missing open APIs, and spreadsheets.
We charge for custom integrations based on the number of developer hours needed to integrate and structure the data to fit our data meta-model.

Do you offer both annual and monthly billing?

Yes, we offer both monthly and annual billing options. However, the minimum platform subscription period is 1 year.

Do you provide refunds?

Yes, we provide refunds.
If you are not satisfied with the value you are getting from our product in the first three months of usage, we provide a full refund on the subscription costs.

I have more questions, how can I contact you?

Visit our contact page or email us at [email protected].

Customers are saying

What customers are saying about Orgnostic’s people analytics platform

  • Emma Atkins, Director of People Success

    ”The insights you’ve shared with me, and the reports I could pull from the platform have been really helpful in getting my strategy signed off.”

  • Radhika Chudasama, People Director

    ”We all got really excited when Orgnostic email reports came through. We thought, ‘Wow, we we can actually visualize all of this data.’ So, we’re loving it already.”

  • Kristina Grubač, HR Lead

    ”With their intuitive and easy-to-use analytics platform, Orgnostic put into movement tremendous amounts of data we have in our HRIS and ATS.”

  • Marko Djuric, Founder and CEO

    ”Orgnostic completely changed the way we approach talent management. We can finally access the data from our HR systems and use it right when we need it.”

You can’t manage what you can’t measure

Connect the data from your HR tools in minutes, or schedule a call to explore how Orgnostic can help make best use of your data.

to schedule a Demo